Friends & Sponsors
Our heartfelt thanks
The people listed here have helped the National Women in Blues in many ways; from sponsoring with donations, helping get us coverage with press, radio and media, or taking their time to put our mission first, when possible.
As a perpetual grass roots effort, many have pitched in and we try to thank everyone! If you got missed, let us know, so we can add you. We salute you all!
Thank you to the amazing people who have been behind this mission from the start!
Dave from BluezNDaBlood and Cigar Box Guitar maker
Patricia Shamroy Shaw
Kyle Deibler
Mary Roby & Peter the Blewzzman Lauro from Mary4Music
And a special shout-out to the incredible photographer who photographs our events!

Not long in to the mix, these incredible individuals also pitched in to help us, with events, or donations, some even working hard to help run an event or spread the word on more WiB’s!
Mary Anne & Jeff Norwood
Heidi Tuba Ho Knochenhauer
Nily Walters
Elizabeth Luther Tull
Darlene Stinson Robb

Over the years, more people jumped in to help. Folks in our Facebook group have lots of support. Folks like:
Mark Caldwell
Anis Barbhuiyan
Billy Dons
Cleve Baker
Doug Mokaren
Bradley Cook
Poetess Kalamu Chaché
Jo Coffey
...and more
Garland Floyd
Kevin Beale
Janine Harty
Kevin Black
Brian Lukasavitz
Kool Breeze
Stefan Gočál
Sean Carney
Bambi Picard
Ashywn Smyth

Jump forward to our (Spring 2015) fundraising efforts on indiegogo and bam.. we had more people jump in to show support and keep the mission going. One of the coolest things, how many women in blues and their brothers in music, who supported this mission!
Folks Like Laura Laman, MaryAnne Norwood, Karen Irwin, Tom Watson, Joanne Fish, Hurricane Ruth, Marie Angel, Lawrence Lebo, JoAnne LeBlanc, Erica Brown, Susan Meek, Joke Yoka Qureshi-Kupier, Lori Graboyes, Kaz Hawkins, Lea Gilmore, Sheila Cain, Kathleen Pearson, Jenn Ocken, David Mathews, Dave Downer, Anthony Earl, Kelly E Thornton, Yoni Steenhuizen, Lucy Hammond, The Rhythm Rockets, Ride The Tiger Music, Larry Chapman, Andrew Smith, MDOR Radio, Chuckee Zehr, Fabio Roberto Fumagalli, Alicia Alexander, Sandi Shepard, Peter the Blewzzman, LJS Vocals, Emily Hallock …
… and a few anonymous donors!

If you noticed, it is not just women or fans and media who pitch in. Tons of incredible men in blues have supported our cause.
Victor Wainwright Brian Wells & Eric Hughes helped make our first IBC jam, come together. Not to mention how many inredible guys sit in at our events, or work with women in blues. Like Tas Cru, Sonny Rock, Billy The Kid Evanochko, Sturgis Nikedes, Ben Rice, and Ori Naftly, to name just some of the guys who have played on a WiB stage!
We share our spotlight!

2018 brought us some new sponsorship from amazing people. Returning was Patricia Shamroy Shaw, and this year we added Bill Hammer (aka Pork Chop Willie), Jenn Ocken, Mick Kolassa, Lori Graboyes from Broad 4 Blues. BlusPik Media and Memphis Music returned and we got more support from Iliana Katz, Paul Gettleman, Barbara Blue, Eliza Neals and added the South Central Indiana Blues Society in our ranks.